This morning as I walked to work reading Monocle (great mag, go get a copy) I stopped and wondered what I was grateful for today.
What am I grateful for today? I've already said my salvation through Jesus.
I'm sure at some point I'll defiantly be grateful for coffee and sleep. But not today.
After just spending the last hour and a half talking to my cousin in Queensland -she has fractured bits of her elbow, is starting a new business and is getting used to being a step mummy to two lovely kids - I couldn't help but smile once I hung up the phone.
Today I'm grateful for... my family.
Yes, my family I know it sounds corny but they truly are very important to me and I am grateful for each of them.
To me family are the people that you can say anything to, you can call them on anything and they are the people that I will always love and support - without question.

Enjoy this FAKE family pic I found online; I don't have a brother or a dog (wish I had one of both) but I'm grateful for the REAL family I do have which includes our cat Poscus.