Melbourne. Luna Park. Graffiti battle.
This is serious. And I'm SO excited!
Believe me when I say that if I end up asking a million questions and someone answers you will soon see a "Amiriche and the graff dude chat" blog spot here.... I can only wish.
This is what Write4Gold say about it:
The Contest
Write4Gold started in 2002 and since June 2003 about 70 events have occurred world wide! Write4Gold takes place for the first time in Australia 08th of december 2007 at Shakespeare Grove Carpark, St Kilda. Write4Gold has been in all over Europe and the USA, New Zealand, South Africa or Russia. Write4Gold is determined to expose the world to this word “Graffiti” and "Aerosol Art" and demand that it be accepted in the dictionary. One of the main operations of Write4Gold is organizing international graffiti competitions. Write4Gold has chapter representatives in each country. Each chapter conduct's their own country’s competition, produce one champion and then each champion from every country is invited to the european and world finals to Germany. The originators of and only categorical worldcompetition in (the basic fundamentals of graffiti), "Concept Painting", "Tagging","Sketching" and "Throwups" categories, will also climax in the Category Finals.
Write4Gold Mission
Every year we try to feature the best and most innovative graffiti crews from all over the world, include the eastern europe countries like romania, bulgaria, hungary, slovakia or russia. One of our goals is to make this event as international as possible. Write4Gold is a platform for graffiti writers in general and an opportunity for all participants to express themselves. Since 2002 we try to support young and motivated people willing to take part in the planning and implementation process of Write4Gold.
Critical Points
While reading the philosophy section you might get an idea that of course we still support the culture, especially the graffiti aspect, trying to offer the writers and the audience as much service as possible - more than on many other graffiti events. To the public write4gold might look commercial because it is getting so big and of course it is no longer the kind of underground event like we know in the early days.
It's a free, all-ages, all-day public painting demonstration and concert, resembling a community fair more than a b-boy riot. The daytime event will be followed by a bodyrockin' ticketed after party, showcasing local hip-hop music, dance and art.
Well if you read all that you're doing well!
In any event I'm going! I don't care if I end up going by myself!
You can see why I just had to say something ASAP. Still I've got more to say later for now it time to head home.
night y'all