I have accounts with more online clothing retailers than I care to remember but they are kind and remind me with constant emails for sales and discounts. With each one I have a swagger of saved items patiently waiting for my next pay check.
The crazy level of shopping that on occasion consumes ever fibre of my being is still controlled; just.
I have rules you see. Rules that can never be broken; rules learned through great spending splurges of years gone by.
If you need help consider adopting the following rules too:
1. Only begin when all credit cards have a balance of $0.
2. The total amount spent on clothing can not exceed the amount of disposable income for that pay period, once that limit is reached it's time to click the 'Save for Later' button.
3. For every major item bought* at least one item must be given away to a op-shop.

*jacket, skirt, shirt, dress, shoes
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