Reading: Finding Happiness in the Most Unlikely Places by Donald W McCullough. It reads as though it was written recently, not 22 years ago! Using simple every-day easy-to-understand language it looks at the Beatitudes. It has been refreshing to read; the lack of Christian lingo is delightful!

Anticipating: A conference in Nashville, followed by visiting friends in Montreal and San Francisco! Turns out I'll be there in the middle of the pre-election American Presidencial campaign fiasco. I really don't think I have any idea about what this trip will be like, or what opportunities will come from it.
But what I do know is that I'm going with the view of doing as much as I can, see as much as I can and speak to as many Americans (more than Canadians) and telling them that we get our mail delivered by Kangaroos! If stereotypes count for anything, I think most will believe me ;)
But what I do know is that I'm going with the view of doing as much as I can, see as much as I can and speak to as many Americans (more than Canadians) and telling them that we get our mail delivered by Kangaroos! If stereotypes count for anything, I think most will believe me ;)
Listening to: Will Reagan and United Pursuit, I need some new worship music and Will is on it.
Planning: Holidays! I'm going to have to write a list soon of all the possible things I could do in the States and Canada, otherwise I'm going to forget. But first I'm still planning out all my accommodation. One step at a time. Once accommodation is sorted, I'll focus on planning more around the fun stuff :)
Working on: Winding up old projects - finishing well.
Wishing: It was October already! I'm ready for the long haul flight.... not so ready to decide what to pack but ready to fly away for adventures!
What are you wishing for?
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