Last weekend I did a few different things - parties; one for a shop, one for an engagement, one for a farewell and one just coz. Hang out in some old haunts reading comics and enjoying the vibes - slightly changed as they may be.
I stumble onto one interesting thing that I only found out about at the very last minute - at the Everfresh exhibition at Hogans Gallery the night before in fact. A discuss was happening on the Sunday - Street Alliance was the name.

It was a discussion with a panel of four artists and whatever else it is they are involved with plus a lady from Melbourne Uni - Alison Young a Professor of Criminology.
The focus of the discussion was sited as "A forum discussing the place and importance of street art in the urban environment."
There was discussion about the role that street art plays and the way it has changed over time. The effects that the artists feel will be felt as the laws change in the state and the way that artists attitude will change because of those laws. There was audience question time which produced some interesting characters that were part of the street art scene back in the 80's. One railed about times gone by and the varying level of government support that has been felt.
There was heated discuss about copy write and who in-fact owes that street art - the artist or the public.
As I'm sure you can imagine a lot of areas where covered. But the best part. Someone from the City of Melbourne was there - on what seemed to be her lunch break. She answered a few questions that ppl had and cleared the air about some issues. One of them being that the City of Melbourne wasn't asked to participate in the discussion, which audience members had assumed because they were supporting the event. Plus some of the finer details about Melbourne's use of Street Art Permits - I can't admit to remembering even vaguely what she said I was too distracted by the hot headed audience members.
It was an interesting discussion; just a shame more ppl weren't in attendance.
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