In case you missed it tonight was the opening of Two's solo exhibition 1000 cans. He hand painted 1000 cans - one every day for about 18 months.
This show was amazing - he's work mesmerizing. I overheard one guy who explained it perfectly "you can't choose one favourite but three... that might be possible".
Seeing Two's work evolve over the cans is captivating. He's work is flowing and has an almost liquid feel to it. With certain images appearing many times over you seem to be reading a story of a man - Two or someone that looks a lot like him - and his encounters with owls, fish, butterflies and the occasional goat and elephant; there is more as there always is but really you need to check it out for yourself.
Bus Gallery - 117 Little Lonsdale (its a grey building). It's on for a while check the poster a few posts back for actual dates.
Below are a few pics - quality isn't great and don't provide any justice.
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